Thursday, September 13, 2012


Too little , too late means that all that the PTB have tried to rescue our economic situation has been exactly that; tl,tl. What did need to be done so that it was not tl,tl? One word. Nothing. Yes nothing.
I know in this age of instant cures or solutions for anything and everything that doing nothing is heresy but sometimes, nay most times, it is the most advantageous thing to do.

Take for instance today. The Fed decided that it would benefit the economy if it embarked on a massive, additional, bond buying program. Maybe it will work, maybe not. However it was made  by a cabal of 12. Even if you assume that they are *super* smart and *super* omnipresence, should decisions that affect 310 million people be made this way? By a small group of
people accountable to, at best, a Congress of 535 political whores?  Hello central planning, which has been oh so successful throughout human history. Ah well, them are *soooo* much more smaaatrer than us average bears. Ahhhaahhhaaahhaa.